disability accommodation and cooking together

Specialist Disability Accommodation

Respecting, defending, upholding, and supporting the rights of people with disabilities, including Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), is at the core of everything we do at focus Life.

Established in 1972, our foundational commitment to the rights of the people we support, including those seeking Specialist Disability Accommodation, continues to guide us to this day. From humble beginnings of one house and a small group of progressive families, we have grown to support individuals in 20 homes, with more on the horizon. Our founding principles remain the bedrock of all our services, including our dedication to Specialist Disability Accommodation.

At focus Individualised Support Services, our staff fully embrace person-centered active support, ensuring that every individual receives personalized care and empowerment. We are committed to empowering people with disabilities to experience independence, dignity, and the right to live an ordinary life. Join us at focus, where our commitment to personalised supports and Specialist Disability Accommodation and upholding the rights of individuals with disabilities is unwavering.

Specialist Disability Accommodation

focus have been supporting people living with a disability for over 45 years. Our expert support services enable our clients to say that they are living the life they want.

Disability Accommodation vacancies

If you are looking for disability accommodation for yourself or someone you know please fill in the form below to tell us about the requirements that you or your family member have. We understand the need for specialist disability accommodation is great, and spaces are limited.

Our intake team will access the information provided and contact you with regard to the options that we may have available, alternatively we will add the information to our database for assessment as opportunities arise.


Each house is a home in every sense. Each person has their own bedroom, participates in the running of their home as they are able, and is encouraged to maintain close relationships with family and friends.

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA)

Specialist Disability Accommodation (known as SDA) is the term used to identify when a home has been built to specific specifications to support people requiring specialist housing solutions, due to their high support or functional impairment needs.

All of the homes focus own and manage have been assessed and registered as SDA. People who require SDA housing will have funding within their NDIS plan. Where this occurs, the Service Provider who owns the home can obtain the SDA funding within the person’s plan to assist the provider to maintain the property or to cover the costs associated with the upkeep of the specific equipment attached within the home.

The SDA funding does not cover support hours that a person receives nor is it used to cover the costs to live in the home. E.g. a person’s personally owned equipment, rent, utilities or food.

If you would like further information about SDA, please read here .


focus offers the provision of service to any person with a disability aged 18 – 65 having applied eligibility criteria based on:
       – if the person is an NDIS participant
       – the assessed needs of the person
       – our organisational capacity to meet the needs of the person
       – availability of resources to provide service


Supported Independent Living

Focus provides Supported Independent Living supports (SIL) to people in accommodation services across the Mornington Peninsula and surrounds. SIL supports include supporting a person to be as independent as possible in the home. It also includes supports with personal care, meal preparation and support with meals, assistance to attend general practitioners, and participate in the local community to undertake activities that relate to living in their home.

SIL does not include rent, board and lodging or other day to day usual living expenses such as food and activities. It also does not include the capital costs associated with a participant’s accommodation.

What does SIL funding NOT cover? 

  • Groceries
  • Rent
  • Transportation (relating to activities)
  • Personal care in hospital
  • SDA related costs
  • Utilities
  • Household expenses
  • Recreation
  • Holidays
  • Items funded by other NDIS categories 

Supported independent living supports provided to people with a disability are individually tailored to ensure that people are valued, empowered to make their own choices and live a fulfilling life.

If you or a person you support is looking for a home to live in and require supported independent living supports, please take the time to fill in the Intake Inquiry form below. Please provide us with as much detail as you can and a member of our intake team will be with you shortly.

Social & Community Participation

At focus we support people to participate in activities of choice and be an active member of their local community.

Supporting people to achieve their goals is at the forefront of everything we do and we are always looking out for community partnerships or opportunities for people to participate as inclusively as possible in activities of choice.

focus offers a wide range of activities that people can choose to participate in or if the current activities on offer aren’t for you, or don’t align to your goals, then focus will work with you to ensure the activities you choose meet your needs and wishes.

If you or a person you support is interested in learning what people achieve in the area of social and community participation please contact us here for more information.